Our school-based curriculum aims to:

  1. Immerse students in a language-rich learning environment
  2. Nurture students’ love and confidence in learning English
  3. Spark students’ interest in learning English through purposeful learning activities and extensive reading
  4. Promote strategies and attitudes that are conducive to self-learning
  5. Instil positive values in students by making use of values-rich English language learning resources
  6. Recognize students’ talents and help them thrive and shine
  7. Expose students to different learning experiences to use English both inside and outside the classroom

Language-rich campus at WKJS:

  • Mingle with NET teacher
  • Recess activities
  • English morning assemblies
  • English Passport (a school-based reward scheme)
  • Promotion of English reading

Curriculum design

  • Task-based approach
  • Grammar taught in context
  • Regular NET lessons
  • School-based materials
  • Self-directed learning (SDL) and e-learning
  • Collaborative learning with strong student-student interactions

English Fun

English Ambassador Team, Phonics class, English Day, English outings…